

Audience: This course is primarily intended for graduate students in engineering who want to learn to read and write research articles in English.

Advanced undergraduates in engineering and students in science will also find it useful.

Course Overview: The structure of research articles is different in every field, but all are structured as arguments, making claims that are supported by evidence and reasoning.

These claims include ten common components, each of which has an important role in the argument. By learning to identify words and phrases that mark these components, students will be able to read faster and more effectively.

Moreover, Chinese and English writing styles are different, and the expectations differ for every type of writing (journal articles, conference papers, thesis, ...). 

To have your work accepted, it is important to match the expected format of your field for whatever you are writing.

Learning Objective: In this course students will learn to read research articles in their field more effectively, based on an understanding of their argument structure, then use that knowledge to lay out their own article by:

1) analyzing the structure of an exemplar articles in their field,

2) making tables to show that structure,

3) commenting on the work tables of other students,.

國立中正大學電機所 饒傑瑞教授Professor Gerry Rau




Audience: This course is primarily intended for graduate students in engineering who want to learn to read and write research articles in English.

Advanced undergraduates in engineering and students in science will also find it useful.

Course Overview: The structure of research articles is different in every field, but all are structured as arguments, making claims that are supported by evidence and reasoning.

These claims include ten common components, each of which has an important role in the argument. By learning to identify words and phrases that mark these components, students will be able to read faster and more effectively.

Moreover, Chinese and English writing styles are different, and the expectations differ for every type of writing (journal articles, conference papers, thesis, ...). 

To have your work accepted, it is important to match the expected format of your field for whatever you are writing.

Learning Objective: In this course students will learn to read research articles in their field more effectively, based on an understanding of their argument structure, then use that knowledge to lay out their own article by:

1) analyzing the structure of an exemplar articles in their field,

2) making tables to show that structure,

3) commenting on the work tables of other students,.

國立中正大學電機所 饒傑瑞教授Professor Gerry Rau




自行選課 (學生)
自行選課 (學生)